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Windows Vista is the best thing to happen to Apple

This comic came across my desk the other day and I thought it was hilarious

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Setting & Retrieving Accesskeys with JavaScript and DOM

Ian Lloyd revisits the accesskey attribute, working with JavaScript and the DOM to enable users to set their own access keys.

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Control.Tabs - HTML/CSS tabs

Control.Tabs is a javascript library for creating accessible, flexible & unobtrusive tabbed interfaces in your applications or pages.

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42 Design/Tech Magazines To Read

A list of designing blogs and sites that all you designers and webmasters need to read.

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5 Excellent Free Grunge Font

These are 5 of the best free grunge or eroded typefaces of late.

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CSS Creme Of The Month

Browse what's hot in the CSS world!

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Khoi Vinh on Design vs. Art direction

On the web, most designers spend their time designing systems or platforms, but almost no time art directing content.

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Flash vs. Ajax: It’s time to expand your toolbox

Dan Webb has changed his opinion, and tells us how It's time to expand your toolbox.

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